Monday, February 11, 2019

Life Review: Magazine Writing

Several years ago, I co-authored the most important journal article of my career--even though it was never "counted" for much in my career. Bill Weems and I published an article in an Occupational Safety and Health magazine called, "Will your safety harness kill you?" I chose the title, and we got a LOT of grief for saying something negative about wearing a safety harness.  that's another post for another day.

The point of the introductory paragraph was that this article led to a LOT more magazine articles. The editor of a hunting magazine, Deer and Deer Hunting, saw, or heard, about our Safety-harness article, and asked me about someone doing one for his magazine since deer hunters often hunt from tree stands and use safety harnesses. I volunteered to give it a try myself... and that has led to a lot of magazine articles.

In the early days, Deer and Deer Hunting paid me $800 per article.  They have slowly lowered the pay to $400 per piece, but it's still fun. I have written lots of articles about hunting safety, about deer physiology and function, and an occasional piece about the joys of hunting. Recently another magazine editor saw one of my articles in DDH and invited me to write for Whitetail times. In the last week I have written 4 of these articles. The pay here has further diminished. They will give me $250 per article, IF I have photo support.  I have enlisted Andrew to take some photos. One of my good friends is reviewing and editing these 4 articles right now, and I will send them in when he is done.  I endeavor to send in pieces that are pre-edited, requiring little of the magazine personnel.

The latest piece is the "Anatomy of a Heart Shot".  Here 'tis:

It's a nice magazine, and it has been great to work with them. I write for the fun of the writing. All four of the recent drafts were actually written whilst I was sitting in the stand, hunting deer. Over the years, I am not sure how many articles have been published, or how much money I have made. I suspect I have made more off the magazine articles than I have in royalties from my text book. Again, I write for the joy of it.

Perhaps when the Wellness book comes out I will get the opportunity to write a few wellness articles. We shall see. I know it has been fun so far.

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