Thursday, February 14, 2019

Life review: On trees and G^d

I just saw a Facebook post from a friend who lives in Tuscon, AZ and she was rejoicing to see trees in TX. I commented that I love trees.  I really do. Had I been creating the world, I would have happily made a couple of dozen.  I would have made red maples, and fruit trees, and hickories, and of course spruce, cedar and other evergreens. I would have made a locust, and aspen and poplar.  But, when G^d spoke the cosmos into existence, He made over 60,000 species of trees.  And, botanists still discover new ones too!

I love trees when they are beautifully green, when they turn colors in the fall, and even when they shed their leaves and stand as bold, bare sentinels of the forest. I love wood, I love to cut it, burn it, and make things from it. A wood fire is one of G^d's greatest gifts to mankind.

Trees are marvelous! Just think of a giant redwood pumping water from the ground almost 400 feet into the air at the top of their crown! Water is heavy too, so this is NOT an easy task.

G^d is good. He gives good gifts, and He is not like us.  He does NOT get bored, and repetition is nothing to Him. He is patient, He is kind, He is the Originator of "...every good and perfect gift".

G^d patiently made all 60k+ species of trees. Each is unique, each is an addition to this world. G^d made us.

G^d loves us enough to make many, many trees. BUT, G^d loves us enough to become man and live and die as a sacrifice for our benefit.

Thanks be to G^d for trees, and BIG thanks for your atonement for us!


  1. Love this post!....I love trees also...I have set on the side of so many over my 62 years of life....Love the family of oaks that drop those wonderful acorns to feed the animals...The popular's and gums, that are soft enough for me quietly slip up before daylight:)
