Thursday, February 7, 2019

Life Review: My Clothing

What you are seeing is a down vest. The reason you are seeing it, is that it has a story. I told the story of my 34-year-old shoes. Now here's the story of a 42-year-old down vest. I wear it every hunting season.

When I was flying with the Navy, we occasionally flew into Montreal. On one of those visits, I found this down vest for $22. It was about 1976 or so.  Now, 42 years later, with patches in place, I wore it today.  This has a few take home messages:

1) Good gear lasts!
2) Just because something is fiarly cheap doesn't mean it isn't good quality.
3) Down is warm!
4) Old stuff may still be quite good.
5) Keeping clothing for 42 years means you got your money's worth.

WHo knows how much longer I get to wear this fine piece of heavily-stained clothing.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!....My hunting coveralls (Cabela's Dry Plus) were purchased in the early 90's...The camo. pattern is one you may not have seen in many years...They have had much more than token wear...I've always been a hunter:)...Yes, quality things do last....
