Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Gospel in Only 10 Words

I can't believe I have not blogged this already, but a search didn't find it.

Something over a year ago, I was co-teaching a Sunday School class--one of my fav things to do--on evangelism. As we talked about different ways to share the gospel, it dawned on me that often times we have only a couple of minutes to share. I also know that simpler is usually better. Many academic people want to impress us with their sophisticated complex explanation and verbiage. In my mind, simpler is better and it takes more skills to do simple than complex.

So without further ado, here 'tis in only 10 words:

We in trouble.
Christ is solution.
Repent, trust in Christ's _________ (redemption, salvation, atonement, sacrifice, etc.).

I think most people can memorize it, at least approximately, in just a few minutes. Why not give it a try? If you forget, you can always come back and review it.

Those 10 words can have eternal consequences. Sadly, many, even in the USA, have never heard a clear, simple presentation of the gospel. Perhaps almost as sad is that many Christians don't know how to share their faith with others.

So now you know one way to do it.

Questions and comments welcome.

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