Monday, February 24, 2014

Pillow Talk

We were on the horns of a cape buffalo, but perhaps I exaggerate.  We were on the horns of a major dilemma.  We had our bedroom repainted after a long time.  My wife says 10-15 years, but we all know how much she exaggerates.  Probably not much over 12 years ago, maybe even 11.5.

New paint calls for a new choice in color.  A friend invited us to come look at her bedroom color, and Brenda found a color she really liked.  I also saw a color of some type.

Of course the newly colored walls clearly and energetically ridiculed the old bed spread, coverlet, comforter, pillow shams, and probably some other parts of which I am unaware.  Apparently the duvet (pronounced "do vay" for you unwashed heathens), escaped the ridicule by sheer good luck.

I was mentally calculating the cost, when I discovered my mental can only count so high, whereupon I broke out the Excel spreadsheet, then also discovered its spreadsheet count also only goes so high.

As I was recovering from having sold another kidney (how many do we have, anyway?) Brenda announced that we would need more pillows.

"That can't be so bad" I thought.

"And we will need new shams!"

The Excel had cooled off a bit, so I put in the estimates for new shams.

Then there was the great debate.  Should we include all 9 pillows or just 7?

"You gotta be kidding!"  I thought, but then cooler heads prevailed and I said, "Let's take a look dear!"

Clearly the 9-pillow arrangement was FAR, FAR superior to the 7-pillow "disaster", as you can clearly see in the photos below.

Of course I insisted that we get some MORE pillow shams. I mean, we can't live like Neanderthals!!  Good grief!

Here's the new look:

Brenda's disclaimer:  No new items were bought in the making of this new bedroom look... except for the coverlet and two new shams.
She switched her afghan at the bottom of the bed... for now.

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