Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Our Job Description

I just read a blog post about Jesus' job description for his Followers.  Before I share her analysis, let's take a minute to imagine what it might say.

Maybe Jesus wants "A capable man or woman to win many souls to Christ."

How about, "Jesus seeks man/woman to study the Bible for hours, pray for hours, and spend the rest of their waking hours preaching."

What do YOU think it might say?

Here's what this Christian lady decided:

"Jesus is seeking surrendered person to rest in Him and enjoy Him. Position requires cooperation with the Holy Spirit to do the work for the day. Must love Bible. Singing on key not required."  Heather Holleman

I like that!  Cooperate with the Holy Spirit.  Don't initiate, simply watch the Spirit and help as we can.  Doesn't sound so tough now, does it.  

Now let's live by that a while and see how it goes...

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