Thursday, November 2, 2017

No job, No holidays, No days off

This is an adjustment.  And I wasn't totally aware it was coming.  for the first time in about 60 years, I have NO externally-fixed schedule in August.  I retired in June, but the summer didn't require any adjustment, since I haven't taught summer school but a couple of times in the last 12 years. So setting my own schedule is typical... until mid-August when universities go back to classes.

To be precise, I didn't teach in 1991, when we were living in a suburb of Houston, Clear Lake, and I was working at Johnson Space Center.  I was busy enough there, and I certainly had a schedule to keep.  It was a pretty productive, and certainly educational, time.

But this August, I had NO schedule.  Now Brenda and I had several things we had to do.  We are still unpacking boxes from our move down from VA. We are helping Campus Crusade Student ministry with logistics for a retreat and for a cookout. I have been meeting with folks about ministry in different locales, and still helping a few students navigate graduate school.

I am team-teaching Sunday School, with two other profs, and I enjoy that.  About three times this summer I gave talks to the International Navigators summer meeting, and I gave one, and have two more scheduled, talks at the academic-year "lunch and learn" meetings of the Navigators.

But, as I write this, it is Labor Day, traditionally a big holiday falling right after the first couple of exhausting weeks of class.  I ran 40+ minutes this AM, mowed the grass, and hoisted some stuff into the attic. I pulled a few weeds, and helped Brenda sort and stow some stuff in one of our guest bedrooms. So, a pretty typical holiday schedule, it just doesn't feel like a day off- off from what?  Retirement?  Nah.

So those of you laboring away, 20, 30, 40 or more hours a week, I hope you enjoyed the holiday.  I know you will look forward to the weekend, but, for me, everyday is a Saturday. It's kinda neat, but still takes a bit of adjustment.

So, whilst you continue to work, enjoy yourself and enjoy your days off!  Blessings,

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