Monday, June 24, 2019

Unexpected Joys

We have now been in the Walden Pond home about 2.5 months. We have had to do a LOT of work in and around, but that has been a joy (mostly). We have been a bit surprised at how MUCH we have enjoyed it here. The pond is very nice. We have been SURPRISED at how much pleasure we have gotten from... the GEESE!

Yep, we have 3 domestic geese that our one-house-down neighbors put in a few years back. But, our real thrill is the 3-9 Canada geese that live here-apparently year round. It is late May and they have NOT YET departed for cooler Northern climes to nest. Each evening, just before full dark, they take off in a whir of honking and flapping, only to return about 0700-0730 the following morning, again with much honking and splashing as they land. Even as I write this the locale is filled with a lot of honking. They do this periodically, and then they quieten.

The domestics make a trek across the pond a couple of times a day to a neighbor who apparently feeds them. The Canada geese don't follow this pattern. They may paddle across the pond from time to time, but their location varies and on occasion they paddle right by our dock. Here is a photo at 4x mag. Not a great picture, I agree, but you get the point.

We have mentioned how much we enjoy the Great Blue Heron, the green heron, the kingfishers, and the frogs. It is nice to have the fishing at the end of the yard, and a good place to paddle the canoe.

The dead-end street means that rarely a car passes. The few neighbors screened by trees gives a nice sense of privacy. The 19 acres of undeveloped land is a nice buffer to our east. The location is convenient to UA, our Church building, and shopping.

Thank you L^rd for the new digs, for the geese, and for Blessing us in so very many ways!

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