Thursday, July 25, 2019

Getting by on Retirement Income

As some of you retired readers will understand, getting by on retirement income can be challenging. Over the years of having one teacher's income for a family of 7, we developed some strategies that let us get by. I thought it might be helpful to share some of those with you, dedicated reader.

Here they are:
1) Don't throw away those napkins when you eat out.  They can be re-used at home.
2) Same with those unused packets of: sugar, ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, vinegar (Capt D's), and those barely-used cups and plastic ware.
3) Go to the bathroom at the filling station, at the restaurant--anywhere but home. Those flushes don't sound like much, but the water department bills you for them.
4) For the same reason, shower at the gym--even if you didn't work out.
5) Don't waste gas driving there, but keep your eye pealed for cheapest gasoline sources. Last night I bought gas at least 2 cents a gallon cheaper than Wal-Mart.
6) Sometimes people send us self-addressed stamped envelopes. Don't throw those away! With a cheap little blank label, you can re-address that envelope and use that stamp!
7) If you buy a cup of soda at a fast-food place, always leave with the cup full! (Oh, and soda pop is outrageous at restaurants, so drink water with lemon instead).
8) Don't throw away those empty water bottles. Fill them up from the tap (but not YOUR tap, see #3).
9) Coupon like crazy. My friend Fred seldom pays full price for anything!

Hey folks, just kidding--sort of. I actually do some of these things, sometimes. There is a LOT of waste in the USA, and many things can really be easily re-used, re-purposed, and re-cycled.

So you don't have to go crazy, but that $3 coffee may be a bit excessive.

Now enjoy a free trip to the library (except for gas).

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