Thursday, July 4, 2019

U.S. G^ds of our Age

"Here are four big idols of our age, and they all begin with the letter S):  Sex, State, Science, and Stuff.

Each of these things are good, in and of themselves. Without sex, there would be no us. Without state, chaos. Without science, ignorance. Without stuff, poverty. But when even good things come to occupy a place in our heart where only God belongs, when we put our trust in them and see ourselves in their image, they become our gods, and we become idolaters."

Amen, brother preach it!

In the USA, we are definitely tempted to worship these 4 Idols. We look back at the children of Israel and we read about their idolatry and thing, "what dolts those folks were. Jehovah delivers them from SLAVERY by many great miracles, and the dust on their feet was probably still there when they decide to worship a golden calf--likely made from the very gold that G^d had given them from their Egyptian neighbors."  Pretty foolish eh?

BUT, my friend, we do the SAME. G^d saves our soul, and rescues us from many a slavery, and we turn around and become slaves to: Sex, State, Science, and Stuff.

"Oh, not me!"

Well, Mr./Ms. Exceptional, take a look at your closet, you apartment/house, your garage. See all that stuff for which you are: working overtime, working weekends, working 2 jobs, working Sundays, and borrowing money to get. Whose slave are you and could you be worshiping that stuff?

"But I am too sophisticated to be duped into idolizing STUFF. I am about the life of the mind, about reason, and what can be demonstrated concretely"

Oh, so you are worshiping at the altar of Science eh?

"Not me, I don't even understand science all that much. but while I have your attention, let's talk about what the Democrats/Republicans are doing to our wonderful country."

Oh, so you are worshiping at the altar of State eh? The RIGHT government will set everything aright eh?

"Well at least I don't worhsip sex!"

Well, sure you don't, but sex is one of the biggest, and perhaps the BIGGEST business on the www. So you are likely innocent, along with you, you and you. BUT SOMEBODY is worshiping sex.

So, eternal vigilance is the price of freedom- from government tyranny and the tyranny of idolatry too. We need to adknowledge our tendency to wander, we need to abide in G^d's Word and prayer, and we to surround ourselves with other Believers who will help us avoid this common and easy mistake. It happens so gradually--like the frog on the stove--so we constant strong reminders.

So, pause and take a critical look at your own life right now. According to the evidence in your life, who does it suggest you are worshiping. Who am I worshiping?

Which reminds me of one MORE S- self. Yep I can make that mistake pretty easily too.

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