Thursday, February 13, 2020

Advantages that Christians Enjoy in Life

My all-time most hostile responses to a post was the time I attempted to compliment my atheist friends regarding their positive attributes. I will run the risk again this time, with a bit more discussion of the atheist worldview.

As I get older, (I am 69.9 years old), I realize the end is drawing near. That causes me to pause more often to reflect on the end of life. As Followers of Christ, we know that our destiny is secure. We will live in heaven with G^d and enjoy the pleasures of a sin-free eternity. My atheist friends, sadly, have no such future.

I can relax in the face of global problems like climate change, war, economic collapse, etc. G^d is sovereign. He loves us and died for us, and we have nothing to fear. We can relax, whereas my atheist friends have no basis for believing they will survive any of this.

I can enjoy my health, time, resources, etc. as gifts from a loving Father. I need not worry about the end of these things or of life. Nothing can separate me from the love of G^d! My atheist friends cannot rationally have such a view, and I suppose, they deal with these things by trying to forget them, which must be a tough task, given our excessive media exposure.

G^d has blessed me abundantly. G^d is good, all the time, even when things don't look rosy at all. G^d has promised us eternal life, one much better than this brief earthly one. We ought to relax and enjoy what G^d gives and will give. Our atheist friends have no such hope.

The end of the whole matter is this, "Fear G^d and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." (Eccl 12:13) We Believers ought to be the MOST relaxed, the HAPPIEST of anyone on earth. Let's relax and enjoy life. G^d made it so that we can.

Rejoice, and again I say, Rejoice.

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