Some of you know that Brenda and I have received a Fulbright Fellowship to Botswana. We will be moving there in Jan 2013 to work at the University of Botswana for 10 months, L^rd willing.
We are trying to learn as much as we can, as quickly as we can.
We have checked out the most important stuff and we are happy to report that there is one Game Reserve within a few miles of the University, and at least 2 more in S. Africa within 50 miles!
My friend, a prof at UA who has a "summer" home in Northern South Africa, speaks very highly of Botswana and the people there.

We're hoping to have a house with a spare bedroom, so start looking at your schedule.
There's a lot to do, and "many a slip between cup and lip", but if G^d wills it (i.e. InshAllah), you may one day have the option of taking a look at a brand new blog. We will see.
Sweden has been a fun journey and we have met many, many wonderful, beautiful and lovable people.
We praise G^d for his abundant provision for us all.
As should we all!!
We are trying to learn as much as we can, as quickly as we can.
We have checked out the most important stuff and we are happy to report that there is one Game Reserve within a few miles of the University, and at least 2 more in S. Africa within 50 miles!
My friend, a prof at UA who has a "summer" home in Northern South Africa, speaks very highly of Botswana and the people there.
We're hoping to have a house with a spare bedroom, so start looking at your schedule.
There's a lot to do, and "many a slip between cup and lip", but if G^d wills it (i.e. InshAllah), you may one day have the option of taking a look at a brand new blog. We will see.
Sweden has been a fun journey and we have met many, many wonderful, beautiful and lovable people.
We praise G^d for his abundant provision for us all.
As should we all!!
Wow! Botswana! What adventures you guys are having!