Thursday, May 10, 2012

The end of the Journey

When you are only living in a place a set length of time, there's no point in buying more than you need.  Perhaps you have moved a long way, you don’t want to buy a lot of stuff you can’t take with you.
It strikes me (Phil) a bit odd, but whenever we buy stuff now, I try to calculate exactly how much we need of food, or light bulbs, or toilet paper.  I often think, “This is the last time I’ll have to buy _____.”
At my age, the same thought is coming to mind.  This coat, or this pair of shoes, just might see me to the end (keep in mind, the coat I wear most here is 29 years old, the shoes I wear to Church in AL are almost 28 years old, and I am 62).
It’s strange, but it’s kinda fun to be buying the “last” stuff that will see us through to the end of our journey here.
It’s strange, but it’s kinda fun to be buying the “last” stuff, maybe, that will see us through to the end of our journey here on earth.
One day, our journey will be over.  The stuff we own, or that owns us, will be happily left behind.  

That will be a glorious day indeed.
Maranatha!  Come quickly L^rd!

1 comment:

  1. BTW we collect coins from around the world. We have them attached to a big world map. Could you guys save us one of your coins? :0)
