Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I thought you was a toad.

One of the many great lines in the movie, “O brother where art thou”, is “I thought you was a toad”.
I thought of this line as Brenda and I walked up on a toad in our path at UB.  Here 'tis,

This little toad was minding his own toady business.  Every evening he gobbles scores of mosquitoes and other insects to fill his/her belly.  We like him, and we like his food choices.  Brenda’s first few nights here, she was eaten by mosquitoes leaving 32 itchy red bumps at various spots on her arms and legs.

Brenda bought here some insect repellant, and that seemed to work, despite the displeasure of the odor.  A Navigator friend gave us some insecticide to spray on our walls, and that seem to have worked the best.

Despite the insecticides, the little toads still do us a great service.  Yet, they get no credit for their work.  By the same token, much of what we do in the Name of The Christ, is likely to go unnoticed.  That has been my experience.  But it ought not be about the recognition.  Like the toad, we ought to do what G^d has called us to do, thinking nothing of it, or ourselves.
So, next time someone says to you, “I thought you was a toad”, take it as a compliment.

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