Monday, February 4, 2013

Looking for a challenge

So you were looking for a challenge?

Working cross-culturally is a bit of challenge always, but sometimes are harder than others.  It is possible that age plays a factor also, and I would note that I am older than I have ever been.

A key thing to remember is that things are merely different, not better, not worse.  Each culture has its positives and its negatives.  Our ability to adapt, to relax, to enjoy is what is very much challenged in these circumstances.

In addition to cultural challenges are the changes NOT related to culture at all.  For example, one of my classes is larger than I have ever encountered at over 180 students.  Students are still registering, so I don’t know the exact number.  Know that Univ. of AL has classes that size, it’s just new to me.  How to effectively connect with every student remains to be discovered, but it is a worthy quest.

Botswana, for several reasons, buys all its electricity from South Africa.  South Africa has an insufficient supply also, so there are periodic unannounced electrical shutdowns for part of town.  For example, I taught Wed. afternoon in the dark, except for the sunlight from the open back doors of the classroom.  Yesterday, power was lost at 1600 and didn’t come back until around 2200.  This has some positive aspects.   I showered last night via flash-light, and as a positive went to bed at 2030.  It is quiet peaceful and quite restful, and quite quiet.  I suspect I will get more rest here than back home.
Don’t want this to get too long.  More tomorrow, but let me end on this note.  We ought never fall into the trap of thinking that there is only one way to do things, one way to live, one way to be effective.  G^d is creative.  G^d loves the world, not just our little corner.  G^d can use ANY circumstances to grow us up in him.

Here is half of my small Ex Phys Class.  Some sharp cookies here.
Like so many things, easier said than done.


  1. We did without electricity for 22 and 1/2 hours this past week, and I didn't like it one bit. We have a generator, and with it, we can run the fridge and water pump. We have a gas hot water heater, so we have hot water, and a gas cook range and a gas log fireplace in the sunroom. So, even though it's a lot like camping out, we can make do. Still didn't like it. Not one bit.

  2. Hey, the Super Bowl didn't have power for 37 minutes last night. It must be going around.
