Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Another Dumb Decision

Here's a recipe for disaster.  Take:
1) An old driver who hates driving and is ADHD (me).
2) A rental car.
3) Make that rental car a manual transmission.
4) Put the car and driver in a major city of almost 4 million, which the driver has NEVER seen in his life.
5) Lay out the city such that multiple streets come together at odd angles, streets aren't clearly marked, street names change from one block to the next.
6) Add a GPS that is a few years out of date (but a life-saver nevertheless).
7) Now add pressure, heavy traffic, darkness, and rain.

What outcome would you expect?  Yes, me too.

I knew this whole thing was a bit stupid, but I prayed and went anyway.

G^d truly answers prayer.  We drove and drove and drove over a 10-day period with just one day of not driving.  Yet, thanks be to G^d, we made it home with nary a nick.  We had some close calls, but we made it.

In all seriousness, Thank you L^rd!

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