Venice is 100 islands in a lagoon. It is scarcely above sea level, and the
Aegean Sea lurks at its edges ready to devour the whole city.
In the old, famous part of Venice there are
no autos, and no bikes. The bridges are
elevated to allow boat traffic, so any cyclist would have to dismount, carry
her bike over the bridge (ponte) and re-mount.
Really not worth it considering every 300-400 m you have to repeat the
Brenda and I wondered aloud at what happens
when your refrig has to be replaced? It
has to be purchased, loaded on a boat, brought as near as possible, and
hand-trucked the rest of the way. Sounds
expensive doesn’t it?
After our visit, Brenda researched it a
bit. It turns out that Venice is built on
wooden pilings driven int to the clay of the lagoon. There is little oxygen in the water & clay, so
not much decay occurs. The wood had to
be shipped in, because Venice was too wet to produce timber. So the wood had to be purchased, loaded into boats, … well you got the picture.
Like many things, it is beautiful, but it has its drawbacks.
More on Venice later.
Did it smell bad? I've always wondered that.