Monday, March 23, 2020

A Bridge Too Far- Part II

In the last blog, we had two trucks stuck in a muddy, slick road. Daniel's truck was pretty close to dry ground. My truck we had driven out the far end of the big mud hole, but got struck turning it around. Brenda and I, having learned the tricks of using the come-along, got unstuck and turned around with just a few minutes work. But still about 100 yards of mud lay between us and the way out.

Mike E showed up, along with his young son, maybe 8. Mike was very experienced at this and had a winch with over 50 feet of cable. We were set.

Sure enough Mike winched Daniel's truck out and we got it moved to dry ground. Now the only problem was my truck on the far end of the long very slick muddy road.

I invited Daniel to drive my truck as far towards safety as he could. He loves this stuff. He tells Brenda to strap in, they are going on an adventure. He floors it, and hits the mud hole at very high speed, splattering mud on the windshield and everywhere else. He barrels down the middle and fish-tails like crazy but...he makes it all the way through!  Wow! I was shocked and awed.

Now, only thing left is to get back about 900 yards to the paved road. I was at the far end of the big opening. I couldn't recall where the exit of the field was, so I headed west... and got stuck about 60 yards from the exit. Fortunately this was an "easy" stuck as opposed to where we had both been before.

We made it out uneventfully after that-- Thanks be to G^d! All three trucks were covered, and I do mean covered in sticky brown mud. Brenda and I were both just happy to be on pavement, even if there wasn't much of an opening in our mud-covered windshield. We drove back to civilization looking for a car wash so that I could see a bit better. We paid $7 to go through an automated wash, which may have knocked a little mud off, but hadn't helped the windshield much at all.  Did I mention the stickiness of this brown clay?

We pulled over to the gas pumps and thankfully they had a good supply of long-handled windshield cleaners and a good supply of washing water. After 15-20 minutes we had the windshield totally clean- almost.

I have NEVER seen a vehicle with so much mud. Thankfully it is raining this Monday AM, so armed with a long handled brush that you connect to your hose, I was able to get the majority of the mud off.

And, we were happy to be warm, dry and unstuck...until the next adventure!

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