Thursday, March 12, 2020

Lk 18 Rich Young Ruler

Last post, I left you with some questions that I hope you considered.  Here they are:

Why only 5, and which of the 10 did he omit?

Why did Jesus give this response to a question about how to be redeemed?

What would you have answered, and why different from what Jesus said?

What did you decide about each?

Why only 5, and which of the 10 did he omit?

Jesus clearly omitted the commandments about:
No gods before Me...No images, No taking L^rd's name in vain, the Sabbath, and no coveting.
Why these? Sometimes omissions are as important as what is said. I am supposing that Jesus left these out to UNDERSCORE that these were the young man's weaknesses. the ruler worshiped and coveted money, and many materialistic things, and immaterial ones that he worshiped, he may have disregarded the Sabbath in his materialism, and perhaps he swore by the L^rd's name.

Why did Jesus give this response to a question about how to be redeemed? What would you have answered?
We might have launched into the 4 Spiritual Laws, or the Bridge Illustration, or the Roman Road to Salvation. Jesus knew the man's heart and instead went to the "heart of the matter" when he said, "...sell all you have... and you will find treasure...and come follow me." (Lk 18:22).

And why different from what Jesus said? Jesus KNEW that they man needed to recognize his sinfulness and need for salvation. Jesus said "Only the sick need a physician...".  Unless we realize our NEED the help of Jesus, we will never ask for His redemption of us.

So next blog, we'll consider how RICH people like us (yep, you are) find it hard to enter heaven.

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