Monday, March 16, 2020

End of the Rich Young Ruler Story

Yes, many, probably most of us, are rich by the world's standards. But the issue is NOT how much wealth we have, it is our attitude and approach to it. In the Rich Young Ruler's life, his wealth was MORE important than his worship. In Matt 6, Jesus clearly says that we cannot "serve two masters". And yes, wealth can master US.

Also in Matthew is Jesus' parables about the treasure buried in a field and the pearl of great price. The point of these two stories is that some things are worth giving up ALL we have. The Rich Youngster didn't feel that eternal life was worth giving up his wealth.

Jesus points out, to our chagrin, that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to be saved. "Then who can be saved?" inquire the incredulous disciples.

They were stunned by Jesus' statement.

And Jesus gives us this clear answer, "The things impossible with men, are possible with G^d!"

Thank you L^rd. Our salvation is NOT in our hands, but in your pierced hands. Remember Jesus started with "There is none good except G^d alone." and he finishes with essentially the same statement--G^d is our only hope, since only He is good.

Unfortunately the rich guy didn't get it then, but maybe later. Do we get it? I do, I pray you do too.

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