Thursday, March 3, 2016

Aother Gift from G^d

Back in early January, one cold morning, I headed out deer hunting.  None of my hunting buddies could go with me, but you gotta go when you get the opportunity.

It was very, very cold and the entire season I had wanted to hunt this particular shooting house.  To me it was the "grading papers" shooting house, because I come here to grade exam papers, but usually much earlier in the season.

The house was still there, despite that I had some doubts as to whether it had survived the previous summer and fall.  I climbed into the house, then into the sleeping bag I use on cold, cold days.

It was quite pleasant and in 45 minutes or so, the sun peaked above the southeastern horizon and shone brightly in the east window.  I looked at the range notes i had written on the wall 5 0r 6 years earlier.  It was 102 yds, via lazer range finder, to the log on the first hill.  The next marker was a small dead pine that I could no longer pick out.  The next marker was 175 yds to the corner of the hardwoods, and 350 yards to the guy wires of the high tension tower near the peak of the far hill.
Here's the view:

There was little wind and a good frost, as you can see. 

I am not sure why I like this place so much.  I had never killed a deer here, and don't recall anyone else killing one.  Still it is a pleasant place to me, and I have passed many a happy hour here.

I was anxious to get back to a good book I was reading, but I usually wait until about 0800 to start reading, preferring to focus exclusively on hunting during the most productive hours.  And, I enjoyed the view.

Then he was there.  I got a glimpse of what appeared to be a BIG deer bounding a couple of strides on the west edge of the power line (left edge in the picture). I tried to get my rifle scope on the deer to check it out, but the bright sun was hitting the back of the scope and I couldn't see a thing. 

What to do?

I moved my hunting cap around to the sunny side and, surprisingly, it worked.  I could see the deer, standing broadside facing east now and seemingly looking at me.  I didn't think he could see me, but he sure seemed to.  I quickly determined that the horns were plenty good.  I settled the sights on the deer at about 180 yards.

I saw him bound to big strides directly toward me, and then he went down.

Praise the L^rd!  Thank you L^rd! Thank you L^rd! Thank you L^rd!

 Any time I kill a good buck, or any deer for that matter, I realize this is a gift from G^d.  There are plenty of things that MUST go right to harvest a good deer, fairly.

Thank you L^rd!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing...Like Jesus; this is just another one of life's realities we are closely knitted on!
