Thursday, September 6, 2018

Life Review: Old Age

I am 68.25 years of age, and old age seems to have really hit me in the last few months... ever since I hit 68.0. I recall turning 40, and when I did, I lost my hair and felt the effects of age. In mid-May I noticed that my muscles weren't like they used to be. My ability to do push-ups seems to be waning, and it is not so much the fatigue as the discomfort in my shoulders. I have long since given up on going to full extension in pull-ups, and gave up shoulder presses maybe 20 years back.

I ran a little over 30 mins this AM. Summer is NOT a good time for running and for many years now I have not run much in the summer. I find that my muscles are not as excited about running 10 miles as they used to be.  Mostly now I top-out at about 5 miles. I don't see much point these days in over-doing it on the running or weightlifting.

My memory is declining a bit also. I find that I may be able to recall the name of a student from 10 years back, but may not recall a friend's name who I saw two weeks back. I find that I walk into my shop, and try to recall why I went out there. Often it comes to me... but sometimes not.

My hair is gray, my hearing is failing, and my eyesight isn't what it used to be. Fortunately, I have decent blood pressure, cholesterol, and bone density. I feel pretty good for a man my age. I don't know how I am supposed to feel at this age, having never been this age before.

There are some pleasantries thought, too. We are beginning to enjoy retirement. We also enjoy the successes and independence of our children. We have taken that for granted, until the recent case of the 30+ young man who had to be ordered out of his parent's home by a judge!

I guess I might as well focus on enjoying old age... it is a privilege denied to many!  Scripture tells us that gray hair is the crown of old age (Prov 16;31, 20:29).  Mine is shaped somewhat like a crown, so maybe that is fitting.

Thank you L^rd for old age!

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