Thursday, September 13, 2018

W.O.R.S.T. Jet-lag Ever!

Brenda and I had a GREAT trip to Japan last month. I'll write more about it later.  But now, I gotta whine a bit. This is the worst case of jet-lag that I can recall--and I have changed time-zones quite a few times in the last 68 years.

Where David, Rie, Nene, and Juno live is 14 hours ahead of us, which means they are 10 hours different in time (since the date-line doesn't matter). This is the 9th day we have been back, and last night, I went to sleep easily, but awoke around mid-night thereafter until about 0700 this AM. I was optimistic that I had it whipped Friday night when I slept pretty well all night. But last night corrected my optimism.

The full couple of nights I slept out of sheer fatigue.  The first few days, I felt terrible. Now I feel pretty good during the day and only had to take ONE nap since we got back. This too shall pass...just not quickly enough!

We, or at least I, take good sleep too much for granted. Several of my friends have sleep issues, but fortunately, except for jet-lag the last 10-12 years, I have typically gone to sleep easily, and slept 8-9 hours without problem.  As I have mentioned, we take SOOOO much for granted--until it is lost!

So, if you are having trouble sleeping, you have new-found sympathy!  If you sleep well, thank the L^rd G^d, and enjoy it! 

Blessings, and sleep well.

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