Thursday, November 22, 2018

Bishop's Laws- no really!

Over these 68+ years, we have developed some guidelines for staying out of trouble, or getting in trouble.  Perhaps the best known law is:

"Never buy something the same day you see it."  A lot of "caveat emptor" mistakes arise from being hasty.  That salesperson is trained to be convincing.  But, "upon further review" can save you a LOT of $$$.  Besides, what difference does ONE more day make?

"Never buy anything over the phone."  I could have saved a few hundred dollars following this law. "Can you send me something through the mail?" is a reasonable request.  If the answer is, "No", there's a reason for that answer, and, you didn't need it anyway.

"If it's worth's worth OVER-doing!"  Yeah, this one has caused a few problems, but is pretty descriptive. I'm not recommending following this one.

But, perhaps my most famous law is, "Bishop's Law of Opposites", which simply states, "Whatever my FIRST impulse on anything, doing the OPPOSITE is more likely to align with Scripture."  This one is a bit sad, but has proven true on many occasions.

G^d's Laws are BETTER and more useful than Bishop's Laws, and I HIGHLY recommend those laws first, but G^d has given us a bit of insight as part of our Imago Dei. So pay attention.  You might save some money and some regrets.

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