Monday, November 5, 2018

Suicide is Painless- NOT

Some of you old timers may recall the theme song from the movie and t.v. show "M.A.S.H.". The song had a line in it that said, "Suicide is painless, it brings so many changes...".

Well, not sure where the writer got that idea. Suicide is incredibly painful for many of those surviving the suicidal person's death.

And, suicide is becoming increasingly prevalent. I just read yesterday that suicides in the over-60 crowd have doubled in the last few years. Now this is a relatively low-suicide group, but it is still noteworthy. Suicide is now the SECOND leading cause of death in the 19-34 year age group. It only trails accidents in this risky group.

Tomorrow I will meet with an official of a major university to talk about how Christianity might help the campaign against suicide.  Here's some thoughts:

S.A.D.= Stress, Anxiety, Depression-- many students face these factors routinely--

Triggers, or risk factors, for suicide include depression, hopelessness, isolation, stressful life events, addiction, a family history of suicide, and previous suicide attempts.

What Might Christianity do to help?

Depression- we give folks an EXTERNAL reference. There was PLENTY of reasons for early Christians to be depressed, yet the hope of Christ kept them going, and even joyous.

Hopelessness- we give HOPE even in Sad situations.

Isolation- we provide fellowship!

Stress- We help w stress relief.

Family history- we can become surrogate family.

As a FACULTY ministry: we can equip Christian faculty to be resources to help students and colleagues.

Suicide is painful for many, and seems to be a growing threat to everyone--particularly the young.

Keep your ears open for any signs of suicide triggers.

The US needs your help!

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome, I hope your meeting went well!...When the things the world makes god's, fail to produce any abundance of life...The results for the carnal mind is devastating...But, in Christ, we can find that abundant life...River's of living water flowing out...Just like you, my dear brother!
