Monday, November 12, 2018

Blogging a Bit Behind

I am further behind than I have ever been on this blog.  I am two posts ahead, and that ain't much. If you are a reader, thanks, but also be reminded, this blog is CHIEFLY to help Brenda and I remember things we want to remember. Plus, sometimes I need to write out things to see what i think about them.  Sometimes I am giving myself advice.

I am certain that some things I write make little sense or are of limited interest. I agree.

We have been on the run it seems all semester. We have been on the road, or trying to catch up. Things have gone pretty smoothly, there has just been a LOT of it. I have heard retired people whine that they are so busy in retirement that they don't know how they had time to work.  Now, I understand what they were saying.

I hope our time and energy are being invested wisely, because it is CRYSTAL CLEAR that there is less of either available than ever before. We are endeavoring to invest in eternal things. Our work is with faculty, who will impact students, who will impact others, etc., etc. We endeavor to get them to have a Christian impact on their students. Many, many are FEARFUL they will get in trouble for speaking up, and we'll chat about that in another post, mostly because I need to think about it.

Lately I spend quite a bit of time trying to deliver Thanks-a-prof thank-you notes to faculty. It is harder than I anticipated, because I didn't give it a lot of thought before.  I think that is common--and a common mistake. I am glad I have only about two dozen to deliver as opposed to 190+ of one of my colleagues up in VA.

I have been too busy to deer hunt.  Unbelievable eh?

Well, getting caught up a bit... maybe I should go hunting.

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