Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Driving here is interesting.  When the country became an independent nation in 1964, there were reportedly only 7 km of paved roads.  We just finished a trip of about 1600km all on pavement.

Despite the number of excellent roads, we did discover a stretch of highway between Maun and Rakkops that was a bit challenging.  It had more and deeper potholes than any road I have ever encountered in any country.

Now, don't forget it is not just the potholes that must be dodged.  There are animals all along the road.  Despite seeing giraffes, kudu, baboons, and elephants along the road, there are many MORE cattle, donkeys, horses, and goats than you can imagine.  Herds of these decide to cross the road at any given moment.  Some oldere cattle seem to be aware and willing to avoid moving autos.  This is NOT true of young calves, of goats, donkeys or horses.

But, the most scary for me are the people that sometimes choose to walk in the road, or very close to the edge of my lane.  That's just one of several reasons that we try to avoid driving after sunset.

So, to recount, your average drive of any length involves avoiding:

  • Potholes
  • Assorted Animals
  • Risk-prone pedestrians

You have to be alert!

But such is true of life.  There are many hazards, and sure enough there are many wrecked souls visible along the road.

"How can a young man keep his way pure?  By living according to your Word, Lord."  Ps 119:9

That takes some careful driving.


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