Monday, April 27, 2020

Dawning of the Corona Virus

As some of you know, I have been around this earth a looooong time. As I write this, the COVID-19 virus is THE ONLY TOPIC. I do NOT recall anything quite like this before. Last night at our Elders meeting, we spent quite a while discussing what measures to take to protect our congregation from infection.

The President of the US has addressed the issue, as has all the presidents of other organizations and institutions. Brenda and I already have had 3 trips cancelled: Clemson, and Trinidad in March and Italy in April. Costa Rica, the NE USA, and Kenya are probably also in jeopardy, depending on how the virus progresses.

Today, 13 March, the news coverage seems to be exaggerating the drama of this event. By the time you read this we will know if it was over-blown, or simply cautiously reported. As a natural and a trained skeptic (i.e. scientist), I am guessing we have gone a bit over-board, but I am NOT an infectious disease expert by any means. The virus does seem pretty hardy, from early estimates of its life span on various surfaces.

At times like this, with possible threats to life as we know it, I think about my atheist/agnostic friends. I have no fear of death from Corona, or any other virus. As the apostle Paul once said, "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Phil 1:21). On the other hand, for my friends who do NOT know Christ, there is much to fear. The death rate now is about 2%, which doesn't seem too high until you realize out of our Church congregation of 250 people, 5 people would die. That's puts it in perspective.

Well, I feel we are in the early stages of this pandemic. We will see what happens. By the time you read this, we will be pretty far down the road, and my questions will be mostly answered. If you do not yet have assurance of eternal life, now might be a good time to explore that issue.


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