Thursday, April 16, 2020

Life Review: Aging Revelations

On 10 March, I was officially 70 years old. Wow, as a youngster I never imagined being this old. As most older folks have noted, time goes by more rapidly now than it did when I was waiting for my birthday as a 10-year-old.

My hypothesis is that each day represents such a much smaller portion of your life at 70 than at 10. But as a math-guy, I recently realized the flip side of this. Each day now represents a much LARGER portion of my life than it did at age 10. Yep, folks our days are numbered, and that number is steadily falling.

I find the prospects of rapidly approaching death to be interesting. I wonder how my atheist friends see this. For Christians, death should be welcomed. "There is no place to go but up", to cite that cliche. And here "up" means to heaven and to a superior place.

Of course things look a bit different when one speaks "theoretically" vs personally. When I look back, Brenda and I have lived a terrific life. We have traveled, ministered, parented, worshiped, served, loved, together. I had a TERRIFIC career as a prof. We have 5 terrific children, 4 wonderful in-laws, and 8 grands. We have friends scattered around the world.

What a Blessed life.  Thank you L^rd. G^d is good in good times and in bad. Blessed by His Name.

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