Monday, April 20, 2020

Life Review: Dream realized- Now we Own Some Land

Brenda and I today, 9 March, closed on 50 acres of land out on Boyd Road. I casually mentioned to a friend at Church that I was looking for some land, and he replied, "The land right next to us is going to be sold. You ought to buy that." I got the owner's name and called her. She told me that the land was already spoken for, but she would keep my name just in case something fell through.

I prayed about it that very night, asking G^d to make the land available, if He wanted us to have it. I honestly gave it little thought after that...until Saturday afternoon I get a call from the owner. She said, strangely enough the young man who wanted to buy the land had just, that morning, gotten engaged and his fiancee had told him that she didn't want to start with that kind of debt. Sooooo, if I was still interested, I was next in line.

Hmm, YES, in fact I was interested. I had a couple more things to do, then we jumped in the truck and... well you read about our getting badly stuck a couple of weeks back.
Here are the lovely brother and sister from whom we bought the land. They have been extremely nice, and at closing today, the lady brought us a notebook with some photos and narative about her family and relatives who were born and grew up on that land. She had a great Aunt named Evie, same as Brenda's mom and one of our granddaughters.

Below, see the bed where their mother was born on the property.

I am guessing this purchase will lead to many more blog posts. We shall see. There is lots we want to do out there. We shall see what we get done. I hope it will be the source of many fond memories.

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