Thursday, April 30, 2020

Corona Craziness

It is 17 March and we are in the middle of Corona Craziness. Up until a couple of weeks back, the only time someone mentioned "corona" was to order a beer. Now, Covid-19, or Corona virus, is a buzz word that everyone knows. Cru has had a all-team briefing on Friday and again today. Our own ministry held an hour-long meeting today.  Whew!

I have had several trips cancelled, and Cru cancelled ALL SUMMER MISSIONS. That has never happened, and is a big deal.

Right now folks generally are not exceeding groups of 10, most restaurants cannot seat people for meals, and travel has laargely ground to a halt. Most meetings of any kind are cancelled.

This seems extreme, but extreme things call for extreme measures. NO ONE is taking any chances in underestimating the risk of this virus. It is really hurting the US economy, and likely that of many countries. Oh well...

Is this OVER reaction? Hopefully by the time you read this, you will be able to answer that. Most experts are suggesting that we will not be past this for another 7-8 weeks. So there are 2 weeks left in March, another 4 in April, and one more in May puts us at 7 weeks.

So, do things look like they are a week from over?  Time will tell.


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