Tuesday, October 16, 2012

JoJo is The Man

Joseph Horton is almost 8 years old.  He is blonde, blue-eyed, and is fondly called “JoJo”.

I have known a LOT of young kids, including all five of my own.  JoJo is easily among the most noteworthy.  Sunday in church, I felt his little hands snake up to my shoulders for a quick back-rub.  

The Saturday before I had been to his house with a severe case of jet lag.  Joseph insisted that I climb up to his top bunk where he introduced me to his zoo of stuffed animals.  He then suggested I should take a short nap.  And, like Goldilocks, I found his small bed to be “just right” and zonked for a quick but delightful nap.  Every time I have been to his house since, he has graciously invited me to take a nap on his bed.

On Sunday Afternoon, JoJo asked with great sincerity, “So how has your day been?”  What a sweetheart! 
And from all reports, this is not unique to me.  Joseph is such a loving young guy, his love oozes out of every pore and everyone takes note.  He’s everybody’s friend.

Wow, I wish I were more like him.  Scripture is replete with advice that we should, “become as little children”.  I think this is more complex than we might realize.  Whatever it means, I hope I can become a little more like JoJo.

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