Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Under Construction

In my last blog post, I mentioned the great volume of repair work underway in downtown Ulaanbaatar.
There is no shortage of buildings under construction.    Most are huge high-rises.  Who will occupy all these?  Who is paying the tab?

I remember someone remarking on another foreign city, that the city bird was the “crane”.  That is obviously true here.  Cranes lift materials and concrete, and they are tall enough to be visible in all directions.
I can see workers at the very top of buildings that tower over 20 stories.  They wear no OSHA-required safety harnesses, yet they seem to walk around in perfect comfort.  Not me.  I am scared anytime I am higher than comfortable jump-down height.

I recall the famous exclamation in Psalms, “He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.”  Ps 18:33

If I only believed HALF of what G^d has told me… how much better off I would be.

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