Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The plural of mongoose is...??  Who knows?

I am not sure, but I find the mongooses (mongeese?) here very interesting.  In Gabs and around BOTS we have seen the stripped mongoose.  On our trip to South Africa, we see three more species.  The first one I spot is up on Table Mountain, the great landmark of Cape Town.  It is getting dark, and I see what I first think is a dark grey squirrel running alongside the sidewalk.  Its fur is very dark, and although the size is right for a very big grey squirrel, it looks a bit different.  I see two or three more, and decide it is some species of mongoose.

Over the next few days I ask a couple of locals, who should know, about the mongoose that lives up on Table Mountain.  They both seem skeptical and ask if I was confused about a rock hyrax.  Nope, I know a mongoose from a hyrax.  They are no help.

A google search reveals that what I am seeing is a Cape Gray Mongoose.  Ahhh, victory!

That's a Cape Gray right in the middle facing away.  It's about the size of a gray squirrel.  They are pretty tough to photograph.

Later, we seen several more types of mongoose, as we drive towards Botswana on very rural roads.   A red one I still can't identify, but the others include a Grey mongoose (bigger than the Cape and not so dark).  I never knew they were so numerous, but they are in northern S Africa.

Mongooses are interesting.  They are fast, small and quiet.  Probably they are best known for killing king cobras.

Each animal is unique.  G^d created a great variety.  I am overwhelmed.  But isn't that what you would expect from G^d?

1 comment:

  1. I think it is mongoose both singular and plural.
    I just made that up.
