Thursday, July 17, 2014

Part of a Team

If the Lego Movie teaches us nothing else,
"Everything is awesomeeeeeee; everything is cool, when you're part of a team."

There is a lot of truth there.

I have been fortunate to be part of some memorable teams:
7th grade Canton (GA) "Greenie" football,
8th grade  "Greenie" basektball,
9th-12th grade Cherokee High "Warrior" Wrestling team,
The USNA Brigade of Midshipmen,
 Crew 13 of Tacamo of the USN,
Exercise Science Faculty member (at least for part of my tenure at UA),
CRU Faculty Commons Writing team (last week).

This latter group was one of the most interesting.  four of us, plus a wife who was a retired English teacher labored hard for 2.5 days.  To my immense surprise we completed the writing of all 34 needed essays, and triple-editing of over 20 of these.

Which is to say we wrote about 17k words total, and 4250 each, in 2.5 days. 

If you are a writer you think, "that's not so remarkable".

To which I reply, "You have never tried to write in a group with 4 different opinions, 4 different philosophies, and 4 different styles, have you?".

We prayed for unity... and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving when the task was finished.

You may not be at all impressed, but I feel as though a miracle was performed right before our eyes.

Thank you L^rd for your grace and provision demonstrated once again.

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