Tuesday, August 13, 2013

31 Years Ago (as of last 13th July)

On 13 July 1982, an historic event occurred.  Our son Daniel exploded onto the scene.

He was baby #2 for us, and we were “old pros” at this point.  We were so calm and experienced that Brenda was in nooo hurry.  She was readying the house for guests, and so was primping the details.  She gazed at Kelly, who was 5 at the time and asleep, thinking that things would never be the same for us.  That’s right, we were experienced.

I was experienced enough to realize that time was fleeing, and the baby would come soon.  After waiting as long as I could, I screamed at Brenda, “get in the car!’, which is what it took to get her to leave.
I drove as fast as I could, reaching the Emergency Department at exactly 0800.  We were whisked to the third floor.  The nurse asked Brenda for a “specimen” and Brenda burst into tears, whereupon the gravity of the moment became real to all and she was rushed to labor and delivery.
At 0830, that’s only 30 minutes folks, Daniel was delivered.

He had persistent fetal circulation, a patent ductus, which was detouring a good percentage of blood away from his lungs.  His legs were cyanotic.  He was wheeled into Brenda’s recovery room just long enough to say goodbye, as Daniel was rushed to Children’s Hospital in Atlanta.

This posed a small dilemma.  My wife had just delivered, and I hated to leave her.  Daniel was all alone headed for Atlanta, and we didn’t even have a vehicle I could trust to get me to Atlanta.

It was a life-time low point.  I drove a borrowed Volkswagen to Atlanta, not knowing the condition of Daniel, or really of Brenda.  I was totally alone and afraid and remember there were no cell phones in 1982.

As I drove, for whatever reason I began to sing, "When peace like a river...".  And, strangely I was overwhelmed by G^d's peace.  I am NOT a singer.  I had no real assurance that peace would prevail.  But, it did.

G^d ministers through music, and many other ways.  Some readers may be skeptical, but, that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

And Daniel recovered to become the fine young man, husband and father that he is.

Thanks be to G^d for Daniel and for His Peace that passes all understanding.

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