Saturday, October 19, 2013

What kind of Cop?

A Hammerkop.

We saw our first hammerkop up close in the Okovango.  It was flying alongside our boat only about 12 meters away at a matching speed.

What you see above is a hammerkop nest.  It was huge and probably weighed well over 100 lbs, maybe close to 200, or even more.  The nest obviously is used over and over, and not just by the hammerkop, but by other critters as well.

But how does a bird that weighs a few ounces build such a big, heavy nest?

He does it bit by bit.  A lot of things can be done that way.  We earn degrees, accumulate savings, make our bodies fit, little by little.  Most things cannot be done at once.

One may become a Christian in an instant, but GROWING in the CHRIST is done bit by bit.

I want to be more like a hammerkop.


  1. Replies
    1. We had seen one in a tree in the Okavango Delta, but this one was so exposed that it was much easier to appreciate. One little bit at a time certainly can add up!!!!
