Sunday, May 19, 2013

Elite Eland

 If a gemsbok mated with a Brahma cow, you'd get an Eland.  We only saw eland once in Khama Rhino Reserve, but I counted myself fortunate to get to see them at all.  They never seemed comfortable at the waterhole where we found them.  They stood around, never really drinking, and eventually headed off for the thick bush.
They are said to be arid-land animals.  They can get enough moisture from their food so that they don't have to drink free water.

I wonder why G^d wasn't content making a few impala, a springbok or two, and maybe a gemsbok.  Instead G^d created eland, and duiker, and hartebeest and wildebeest, and waterbuck (we have seen 3, but no picts yet).  G^d made such a variety of plants and animals.  G^d created the cosmos with all its stars, planets, galaxies.  He made each one different.  As Vizzini said (Princess Bride), inconceivable!

It is indeed inconceivable that we think:
  1. This all happened by chance with "natural selection" to guide it.
  2. We think we are smarter than G^d.

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