Monday, February 6, 2012

Kyrka (Church)

Brenda and I went to Kyrka with Gunilla yesterday. It was an Evangelical Free congregation.  There were 70-80 congregants.  Service was similar to Episcopal service.  Michael translated very nicely the entire service, which we listened to, along with a few others, over headphones.

One custom, that would be excellent to emulate was the “ficka” afterwards.  A ficka is a sit-down over coffee and something sweet.  This time it was open sandwich with coffee, followed by about 6-7 different types of delicious cake.

Although we are just beginning to get to know folks, it seemed like a very nice group.  My experience has been that in countries where Christianity is not a majority, the commitment seems MUCH deeper.  In other words, when you take away social pressure, the Christians who are still involved are the committed ones. They prayed for a young couple going out as missionaries, with their two young children, to Tanzania!  They also have missionaries in India and Nepal!

This isn’t our church building and bell-tower (they began service with bell ringing), but it’s the only church picture I have now.

One more good idea, you can tithe via credit card!


  1. What a beautiful church! And I'm so glad you got to go to a translated service. Sounds like a great group. Credit card tithing sounds really interesting.

  2. Cute church.

    I can't believe that you can tithe with a credit card. I've never even heard of such.

    Brenda - how are you holding up?
