Wednesday, February 6, 2013

G^d in the Queue (not Pew)

Here, a good part of each event is accompanied by sitting/standing in a queue, or what we call a line.  Everyone is accustomed to this, except us USA folks.  We might wait in a line for 4-5 min, but here in Gabs, that barely gets you moving.

So what to do?

In the USA, I take a book, or something to work on.  Here I have improved my prayer life.  Sitting in a queue is the cue to begin praying.  I have written about prayer here before, how I hate to pray, and apparently so do most western Christians.

But when standing/sitting there are good things to do, and prayer must be one of the best.

Yesterday in the Dept Motor Vehicles, as we sat in the queue for an hour (not bad, really), I ran across Jude 24-25.  I was able to memorize it almost fully before we were called up.

So, when we get lemons, we make...  when we are waiting, we can wait on the L^rd.

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