Friday, February 1, 2013


In many Latin American countries, and in Gaborone, the majority of houses are surrounded by thick walls topped with wire.  In Latin America sometimes the walls are topped with broken glass, razor wire, or even cacti.

As I walked through a neighborhood here, I was impressed with these security measures at a single house:
  1. A monitored security system.
  2. Masonry walls topped by 4-6 strands of what appeared to be electrified wire.
  3. Guard dogs.

These folks were serious about keeping out the bad guys.  They had spent a lot of effort and money.

I am guessing they have a reason to go to this much trouble.

I know that even so, their security system is insecure.  I recall telling my brothers when I was in High School, "There isn't a house I can't break into."

It wasn't that I was spending a lot of time breaking into houses, it was that we had been accidentally locked out of Kenny Askew's house and I knew I could get us in, because every security system has a weakness, and with enough expertise and effort, it can be beaten.

That is, every security system but ONE.

I feel for these people who feel the need to erect these walls.  Our housing area even has a guard on duty at night.

But The ONLY real security, the only trustworthy security, the only one that cannot be beaten, is those who are secure in Christ.

Jn 10:28  ...and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.

Above is back view from our apartment.

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