Monday, February 11, 2013

The Road Less Traveled

Robert Frost wrote a favorite poem about the road less traveled, that most of us old-timers memorized as school kids.  That concept has always appealed to me a bit, and I think my life history bears that out, to an extent.

I have been fascinated by a dirt road that loosely connects our part of Gaborone to our church property.  Sunday night, after evening service seemed like a great time to explore that little dirt lane.  I figured it would be easier to figure it out if I came down it from the church side, because I thought I knew roughly where it came out on the campus end.

We headed down the road, innocently enough.  The road was in pretty good shape.  But I had forgotten two important things:
1)      This is Africa,
2)      Brenda has had a lifelong fear of getting lost/stuck/stranded on dirt roads (regardless of continent).

Well, it wasn’t quite as short a cut as I had envisioned.  About 20 minutes into the drive, Brenda was starting to lose her otherwise staunch self-control.  This is Africa she reminded me.

Before long, I spotted the particular fence that surrounds UB, and said, with great confidence, “There’s the UB fence, we will come out right at that curve before you get to our flats.”

To be honest, I said it with more confidence than I really felt.

We had to skirt a major, menacing mud hole, but we actually survived the few white-knuckled minutes it took to come out exactly where I said we would.  The road less traveled indeed.

G^d seems to sometimes do this very thing.  He leads us down a path that can be a bit scary, such as coming to Bots.  But He often puts a few signs of His path, perhaps a familiar fence, or a light in the distance.

Both Brenda and I have a lot more confidence in G^d’s guidance, than either of us do in mine!


  1. Rule # 1: Brenda is to drive from now on, at least while you are in Africa.

  2. This is Brenda, one big problem, They drive on the opposite side of the road here, the steering wheel is on the other side of the car, when you turn on what you think is going to be the blinkers, the windshield wipers come on. I'm gonna get used to it but I a bit hesitant, don't want to run over anybody.
