Friday, April 12, 2013

Bishop's Axiom

Most of you have never heard of Bishop's Law.  And that's probably good.

Bishop's Law was created by me, surprisingly, and perhaps isn't a law so much as an axiom.  Bishop's Law says, whenever I (Phil) encounter any challenging situation, if I do the OPPOSITE of my initial reaction, I am most likely to be acting Scripturally.

Well, after considerable deliberation, I am announcing Bishop's Axiom.  Here is how it goes, for anyone still reading:

"If a student can come in 20 minutes late to every class, miss half the class meetings, avoid doing any of the readings or homework, if they can use their cell phone, doze during class, and otherwise fail to pay attention, yet still pass the class; then, they really didn't need to take that class anyway."

I'm sure G^d looks at me the same way at times.  "Bishop doesn't pay attention, dozes when he shouldn't, doesn't take Christianity seriously, shows up late and unprepared, and clearly doesn't deserve the Cross or heaven."

Thank you L^rd for your grace, freely given that covers all my sin.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I preached on Bishop's Law about a month ago, except I didn't call it that. But my first instinct was to give you credit.
