They are remarkably hard to photograph. Several times I have ALMOST got a good shot of one, only to have them dart away at the last minute. Just yesterday I saw a mongoose within about 100 m of our compound. I am guessing that lizards are a good part of their diet, given the abundance.
I have caught lizards and snakes since I was a little kid. I find them interesting. There are several lizards here that look very much like ours back in the USA. We have some that appear to be skinks, some geckos, some chameleons, and one above looks a bit like a pine lizard, but I am pretty sure it isn't.
Allegedly we have over 150 reptile species here in Bots. The famous scientist JBS Haldane is quoted, "The Creator must have an inordinate fondness for beetles. He made so many of them." (There are as many as 450,000 species of beetles.) In fact, G^d must have had an inordinate fondness for a LOT of things, because He made such a variety of mammals, marsupials, reptiles, trees, flowers and people.
G^d is clearly creative. When we don't understand what G^d has done, how, or why, we should NOT be surprised. Left up to me, Christianity would be Mormonism, or some other religion. I argue that nobody could or would make up such a story as G^d became flesh, dwelt among us, then suffered, bled and die in substitutionary atonement.
But then again, G^d is a very creative G^d.
We have a lizard that lives on our back porch every year. I don't know if it's the same one, or "famliy". Anyway, I always have to check under the seat cushions before I sit down, to make sure it isn't under it.