Saturday, March 16, 2013

Remember This

I am sitting in the department of Motor Vehicles nervously hoping to register our 1999 Toyota I just bought. I am very nervous, because these governmental things have NOT gone well at all for me in Botswana.

During the hour-long wait I am reading a book by Chuck Swindoll and he mentions a couple of verses that strike me.   I read in Jude verses 24-25, these words, “Now to Him who is able to KEEP YOU FROM STUMBLING, and to make you stand in the presence of His GLORY blameless and with great joy, to the only G^d our Savior, through Jesus Christ our L^rd, be praise, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time, and now and forever.”

Wow!  Those two verses say a lot of astounding things.  Think about them a bit.

I didn’t want to waste time in line, so I memorized the verses.  Memorizing Scripture is funny for me.  Sometimes, as when I am preparing to speak somewhere, it comes easy.  On most other occasions it doesn’t come easy.  This time, it was very easy, even though I wasn’t on a speaking schedule anywhere.

But, one thing is sure, G^d is good!  Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you when I was in line at the DMV several weeks ago, waiting to pay registration on your vehicles. I had gone to a satellite branch to pay and the line was long, all the way to the door, and I had to go the the bathroom, having drunk two cups of coffee immediately before leaving the house. I went ahead a got in line and thought how line-standing is an everyday event in your part of the world. After half an hour, I had to vacate the premises rather urgently.

    I then drove across town to the main office of the DMV, stood in a fast moving line of probably six people, with a worker walking the line answering questions, and was out of there in almost no time. Had to come back next day, but it was nothing. Easy-peasy.

    I don't mind standing in line, but I do live in constant fear of having someone yell angrily at me. I need to memorize your verse too.
